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Offshore equipment


With the advance of 10+ MW wind turbines and increasingly strict noise standards, the existing pile-driving method with hydraulic hammers for monopiles is under high pressure. 


Extra measures are needed such as bubble screens or a wall around the monopile. They are expensive and time consuming to install. The pile is also damaged by the hydraulic hammer, which means that larger piles are needed than actually necessary. 


GBM Works has developed the Vibrojet®, a machine to install monopiles in a silent and fast way. The Vibrojet® is not only less harmful to marine life and cheaper, the process is also kept strictly under control and requires less power generation. This new method promises:


  1. Deeper and faster penetration

  2. Steel reduction in monopile design

  3. Readiness to scale up to larger monopiles


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GBM Works B.V. 
Grasweg 31
1031 HW Amsterdam

Office: EW00-07
The Netherlands 


+31 (0)85 060 5281


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